Laser therapy can loosen the tight muscles and ligaments around the elbow into the forearm and upper arm. The results can be truly amazing. Where regular therapy involving stretching and strengthening fail, laser therapy can go far beyond to restore normal range of motion and decrease or eliminate pain.
The video shown here goes through a really fun case I had involving elbow pain and significant lack of motion after a small break in the elbow. After the cast was removed, she couldn't go past ninety degrees of flexion. Even after her first twenty minutes of lasering she is amazed at the change. Skip ahead to the end of the video if you want to see the final result. Her having to use a fork to extend her hand/wrist just to get food to her mouth is what amazed me. I hadn't seen anything like this before so it was a fun case to see the changes.
So if you cannot bend your elbow past ninety degrees and you live in the Madison area, please give me a call right away at the number shown above. I look forward to talking with you.
If you don't know anything about laser therapy you're missing out. As the months and years go by, you'll start hearing about this more. Don't wait. Learn about it now and get fixed.
Watch the video and then call me, Dr. Aberle, to talk about your specific concerns.
I like helping people and that starts with a conversation.
If you want to come in to meet me first that's great as well. Take the next step to learn more.
You're not committing to anything by calling me at the number above.
Mon, Wed, Fri 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tue 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Thu, Sat, and Sun Closed
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